AIDS HIV HIV pix od child

EFF is helping to support an organization named  Bete – Se’ida in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia which has two projects: we help run an orphanage for children and babies who have  AIDS or are HIV positive and we help young women who are HIV positive and have young children. This project has two phases: 1) rehabilitating the women in an in-house program for two months providing shelter, medical care and food for the women and their children. 2) training the women in a skill so that they can then make money and provide for their family 3) provide seed funding, so the women can use their training and transform their lives and get back into the community. It is optimal to try to keep these women with their children.

The Telluride Aids Benefit has named the Ethiopian Family Fund as a beneficiary for the past three years. Read all about their work and their beneficiaries by visiting:

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